Start by cleaning the prawns and pat them dry.
Prepare three bowls. In the first one prepare the flour seasoned with salt and black pepper. In another add the beaten eggs. Lastly, in a third bowl, mix the panko breadcrumbs and the paprika.
Spray the basket of your air fryer with some oil and set aside.
Working with a prawn at a time, first dip the prawn in the flour ,then in the egg mixture, and finally in the panko breadcrumbs. Make sure that each prawn is evenly and completely breaded.
Place the breaded prawns in the basket and cook in the air fryer at 200°C/400°F for about 8-10 minutes, turning them half way through the cooking process. Bake until the prawns are cooked and have a nice golden colour. As this is a large quantity you’ll have to work in batches.
Once done and plated, zest some lemon zest on top and season with some flakey salt.